Thursday, 20 November 2014


The avocado is a fruit from the avocado tree of Central American origin. They are buttery yet very flavorful, pear shaped fruits with leather-like appearance of its skin.  They feature high fat content (mainly unsaturated) and have more calories unlike most other fruits. However, they are among the popular fruits having good nutritional value and health benefiting properties. Some of the common names are alligator pear, aguacate, butter pear, etc.

Avocados are considered as one of the healthiest foods in the planet because they contain numerous essential nutrients, including vitamin A, B, C, E, & K, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. They also contain fiber, protein and several beneficial phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione and lutein, which may protect against various disease and illness.


Maintaining a Healthy Heart
 High level of homocysteine is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Avocado contains vitamin B6 and folic acid, which help to regulate homocysteine levels. It also contains vitamin E, glutathione, and monounsaturated fat, which are essential in maintaining a healthy heart.
Avocados are rich in beta-sitosterol which is effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that people who included avocado as part of their diet for a period of time had a decrease in total body cholesterol and modest increase in HDL (good cholesterol). This also contributes to maintaining a healthy heart.

Control blood pressure
Avocados are also a great source of potassium, (twice more than bananas) which may helps in lowering blood pressure levels.

Eye health
Avocado helps to promote eye health, since its an excellent source of carotenoid lutein, which is known to help protect against age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) and cataracts.

Anti-Inflammatory properties
 Avocados contain nutrients such as polyphenols and flavonoids which have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, thereby reducing the risk of inflammatory and degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis.

Reduction in stroke risk
The high levels of folate in avocados may also protect against stroke.

Prevent birth defects
Avocados are rich in folate (folic acid).  The high amount of folate in avocado is essential in the prevention of birth defects, such as neural tube defect and spina bifida. Hence very useful in pregnancy.

Blood Sugar regulation
Avocados contain monounsaturated fats (good fat) which can reverse insulin resistance thereby regulating blood sugar levels. They also contain soluble fiber which keeps a steady blood sugar levels. The fiber content also contributes to weight loss.

Protection against cancer
The glutathione found in avocados has been found to help prevent some kinds of cancers. Researchers found extracts from Hass avocados kill or stop the growth of pre-cancerous cells that lead to oral cancer. Avocado extract was found to inhibit prostate cancer. Oleic acid in avocado is also effective in preventing breast cancer.

Antioxidant/Anti-aging properties.
Avocados contain glutathione, a powerful antioxidants that helps fight free radicals in the body. The glutathione in avocado may boosts immune systems, slows aging process, and encourages a healthy nervous system.

Cure bad breath
It is an intestinal cleanser, hence are one of the best natural mouth wash and bad breath remedies..

Skin Care
The avocado oil has the ability to nourish the skin and make your skin glow, hence its addition in cosmetics.. It also aids in treatment skin conditions like psoriasis.

Sexual Health and Fertility
Avocados are rich in Vitamin B6 and folic acid which regulate sexual hormone functions. Also, vitamin B6 and potassium boost testosterone production in males.

It contains nutrients that   reduce inflammation in the stomach and small intestine's mucous lining. This also improves the body's ability to absorb carotenoids and nutrients.

Considering the numerous health benefits of avocado pear, it’s important we incorporate it into our meals in various forms and be a partaker of the nutritious value of avocado.

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